Hi there! It's still so strange to me that it's already January, that it's already 2015. I think 2015 itself was a bit easier to swallow than realising that it was January for some strange reason. But like every year, every month, it'll wear off eventually.
Today is my last day and I'm sure lots of other people's last day of the winter break. It makes me really sad that it's over because I was sick for the vast majority of it and sicker than I've ever been (still sniffling here and there, actually) and I only got to truly enjoy a few days. I will do my damn best to make sure that my last Sunday will not be wasted, though. That would suck.
Today is also my parents' 18th anniversary, so we'll be heading out to celebrate that in a few hours (as you're reading this). Maybe I'll add a few photos in here after we've gone for the visuals to accompany what I'm sure will be an absolutely delicious Indian lunch buffet meal.