Hi there! As you could probably tell from the title, there are some pretty big changes coming to Coco and Picasso. First off, it's not going to be called Coco and Picasso anymore. C&P started out as a blog about fashion and art, and bit by bit, it became all about fashion, making the Picasso part totally irrelevant and confusing.
I stayed up really late the other night, trying to think of a name that would better represent my blog. After about thirty attempts, googling about ten domains that were already taken, and countless disappointments, I came up with Style Generis. I got the idea from "sui generis" which is Latin for "of its own kind" which I thought was perfect for my blog. So "style generis" is a word I made up means "style of its own kind." With this blog, I strive to be unique with everything I post and what I show you guys, so I'm finally really, really happy with the name.
With this new blog name, the URL of this blog will change. Instead of cocoandpicasso.blogspot.com, it's going to be stylegeneris.blogspot.com. This change will happen in a week's time, so on Monday, September 9th, this blog will be transformed into something completely different. I wanted to give you guys a heads up before I changed the name.
There will be a proper introductory post coming on Monday next week, so stay tuned for that!
I really hope that you guys take this change well and let me know what you think! I sincerely hope that all my readers will be to accept this change and that this will be a smooth transition. All of my social media sites will also change to style generis when Monday rolls around. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them down below and I'll surely get back to you.
Thanks for reading!
- J
Oh no! I really loved the name "Coco and picasso". Of course I'll support your decision, but you shouldn't change the name just because you feel the 'picasso' part doesn't suit perfectly with the things you started to blog about. :/
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad and not so glad at the same time that you loved the "old" name so much, but it just didn't feel right to me anymore. Honestly, it never really felt perfect, so I don't feel very comfortable continuing on blogging under that blog name.
DeleteI agree with you that one shouldn't take changing their blog name lightly, and don't worry - I haven't. I've been thinking about it for a while and I really do think it's the right way to go to continue to improve my blog. I won't be one of those bloggers who change their blog name every year, don't worry. :)
- Juliana
Even tho I absolutely loved Coco and Picasso, I think the new name is more you. I love it too! Can't wait to see your blog on monday!
The Caribbean Flower
I'm really glad that you loved C&P so much, but I'm even more glad (and very relieved) that you also love the new name. I'm super excited to show you and everyone else the new blog on Monday! It's such an exciting thing for me, and hopefully you, too. :)
Delete- Juliana