Image Credit: Luke Pamer via Unsplash |
Hi there! I had a pretty busy post-birthday week filled with lots of, well, work. It might not seem like it since I haven't exactly been posting on my blog, but I've been pretty productive in other areas of my life, which has made me significantly happier. I also got the chance to catch up on a few things, mess up a few others, you know, like your typical human being.SAT madness
I'd been trying to study for the SATs for quite a few months now, I'm not going to lie. I covered a few chapters of math back in November or so, but when holiday season came about, I just forgot about SAT prep. Well, I didn't truly forget about it, I just chose to ignore it completely.
After my trip to New York in July, I vowed to start studying as soon as the family friends left our house and headed back to California, but as mentioned here, I was in a bit of a rut. I couldn't find the motivation to open up the book and start studying, so I didn't.
Flash-forward to the week of my birthday (it was on a Thursday) and I finally whipped my butt into shape (metaphorically) and started studying. To be honest, I'm not trying to come off as like, whatever, but I've actually been kind of addicted with studying. Considering all the other things kids my age could be addicted to, I'd say that this is a pretty harmless one for the time being.
After hardcore studying for the past two weeks, I just feel a lot more confident with my SAT prep. While two weeks is barely any time, I covered quite a bit of material and I'm pretty proud of myself. It's gotten to the point where I feel a bit empty when I don't have a stack of cue cards in my bag when I'm out. It's seriously weird.
It kind of stresses me out that I only have six weeks left until I take the test, but as long as I keep studying, everything should be fine. Please pound on the closest bit of wood for my sake. Much appreciated.
let's talk about pll

I started reading the Pretty Little Liars series before the show even started airing and was a fan of the creepy, yet intriguing plot. Of course, just like any other fan, I've complained and still complain about how it all just seems to drag on, but I've never managed to properly boycott the show for that reason. The books, I've managed to stop reading after Book #10, but I just keep coming back to the show.
I was bored one day and decided to catch up because I'd seen a few bits from the season 6 premiere that looked so cool. I'd stopped watching after the season 5 winter finale or whatever it was because I just wasn't interested anymore, but after whizzing through the rest of the fifth season, I was thoroughly hooked on the Liars' hella unrealistic lives once more.
After watching the season 6 summer finale, I definitely agree that the revelation of who A is was unfulfilling to say the least, especially if Marlene wasn't lying when she said that this was who they'd chosen for A from the beginning. I dunno, it just wasn't that great of a story, you know? It just felt a bit... random, but I don't actually care enough to get all riled up about it, aha.
That being said, I don't regret getting back into PLL at all. The Dollhouse at the end of season 5 and beginning of season 6 were enough to make it worth it. At the end of the mid-season finale season 6, they did a major time jump and I'm interested to see how this new storyline unfolds. Hopefully, by the end of season 7, we'll be more satisfied than we were with who A was.
new job!!! (yes, the exclamation points were necessary)
I started working at Zara a full week after my 16th birthday and it's been pretty great so far. Almost everyone there is quite a bit older than me except for one girl who I'm pretty sure is still in high school like I am, making it a bit intimidating for sure, but I've been enjoying it, for sure. It's a lot different from my previous seasonal position and it's all super high-tech and awesome. I'm just so excited to get the chance to work for a brand whose clothes I'm just a little bit obsessed with. Just a wee bit.
i need a blank slate
I was so good at getting lots of sleep the first few weeks of July, probably because all I was doing was lounging around watching TV, but when I started planning my birthday party, the part of my brain that urges itself to use common sense and not stay up until 1 am researching possible appetiser ideas didn't do its job. Even after my party, I just haven't been getting enough sleep at all and unlike how I felt during the school year (I was a relatively peppy zombie), I just feel gross. I really don't know how I survived off of six hours of sleep at school.
So there's that sleeping problem that I have to get rid of. I also have to just become a tidier person. All except for two of my friends don't actually believe that I'm a messy as heck person. They just see that I'm pretty organised at school and whatever, but my home life is totally different, haha. I read an interview recently that Taylor did regarding some fan stealing her soap or whatever, and she said something about not wanting to come off as unclean. I know it's stupid that a simple sentence that she said would make me want to change my ways, but I don't want to come off as unclean, so I just want to declutter my room and get rid of unnecessary crap that I don't need before school starts. I feel like that way, it'll be so much easier to keep things neat and tidy when I have work, school, blogging, YouTube, and SAT prep to worry about. Fun.
i need a blank slate
I was so good at getting lots of sleep the first few weeks of July, probably because all I was doing was lounging around watching TV, but when I started planning my birthday party, the part of my brain that urges itself to use common sense and not stay up until 1 am researching possible appetiser ideas didn't do its job. Even after my party, I just haven't been getting enough sleep at all and unlike how I felt during the school year (I was a relatively peppy zombie), I just feel gross. I really don't know how I survived off of six hours of sleep at school.
So there's that sleeping problem that I have to get rid of. I also have to just become a tidier person. All except for two of my friends don't actually believe that I'm a messy as heck person. They just see that I'm pretty organised at school and whatever, but my home life is totally different, haha. I read an interview recently that Taylor did regarding some fan stealing her soap or whatever, and she said something about not wanting to come off as unclean. I know it's stupid that a simple sentence that she said would make me want to change my ways, but I don't want to come off as unclean, so I just want to declutter my room and get rid of unnecessary crap that I don't need before school starts. I feel like that way, it'll be so much easier to keep things neat and tidy when I have work, school, blogging, YouTube, and SAT prep to worry about. Fun.
birthday things
I've mentioned my birthday quite a few times in this post already, so I might as well elaborate. On the 13th, so exactly 10 days ago, I turned 16. It was a pretty big deal for me because ever since I was young, the anticipation for the big sweet sixteen had been building up. On the day of, I didn't do anything that fancy. I just went for lunch with two of my best friends at this healthy vegetarian restaurant that was oh so good. B actually baked me a few lime muffins that I devoured on the bus ride home and that my momma ate before we headed off to Costco to buy food for my party that weekend. Gosh, we got a lot of food.
I've mentioned my birthday quite a few times in this post already, so I might as well elaborate. On the 13th, so exactly 10 days ago, I turned 16. It was a pretty big deal for me because ever since I was young, the anticipation for the big sweet sixteen had been building up. On the day of, I didn't do anything that fancy. I just went for lunch with two of my best friends at this healthy vegetarian restaurant that was oh so good. B actually baked me a few lime muffins that I devoured on the bus ride home and that my momma ate before we headed off to Costco to buy food for my party that weekend. Gosh, we got a lot of food.
I had about 20 people of my friends over at my house that weekend and we just ate lots of food, took pictures, and just had a good time. It wasn't some crazy party in a rented party room where underage teenagers were drinking beverages that they shouldn't be, just a pretty casual thing with my favourite foods and people." style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_top">i'd like to hang out with you for my whole life 💕
I also stayed up 'til 2 or 3 am the night before to paint a cake. I didn't want any old flowery cake, I wanted a pretty vintage-y patterned one that looked like some pretty Rifle Paper Co. stationery. Yes, specific, I know, but it was my 16th, so I felt like it was a good excuse to go all out. It was actually a lot easier than I thought it'd be and I'm so, so happy with how it turned out.
It was just such a fun night and I'm so happy and lucky to have had the chance to be surrounded my people I care about. Yeah, life is pretty great.Are you a fan of PLL? Have you taken the SATs before? How do you like to celebrate your birthday? Leave your comments down below!
Thank you so much for reading!
- J
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