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Image Credit: justbloomed from WeHeartIt |
Hi there! Ever since I started doing the half-tuck starting
sometime around grade 7, so that was in 2011, I’ve always had quite a few
constant fears running through my head whenever I decide to go for that look.
My mom has always been one to advocate neatness and cleanliness before
anything, so I’m sure you can imagine what I’ve always thought she’d say.
Anyway, today, I thought I'd share with you my paranoia whenever I sport this look.
Yes, Mom, I know that a bit of my shirt’s been tucked in.
That was the point.
But of course, when my mother says something like that, I
don’t really have a choice now do I? So I sighed, untucked my shirt, and went
on with my day, but that certainly didn’t stop me from trying again later.
At the time, the half-tuck wasn’t really that well known and
was just starting to make its way onto the fashion scene, and like anything
else making its debut in this world, being a daredevil and wearing it can earn
you some pretty demeaning stares when you’re out and about or even just at
When I finally got away with it and made my way out of my house
and got to school, the fear was back. There was this one guy that I usually go
to school with (I got driven to school with a bunch of other classmates) that I
was pretty sure would take one look at me and then do a double-take, no doubt
wondering why in the world I was being so unkempt with a bit of my shirt stuck
in whatever bottom it was that I was wearing.
That’s the main problem with this trend or whatever you’d
like to call it – it’s an effortless look that can come off as sloppy and careless instead of that easy, breezy “it
looks like it took me five minutes to get ready but I still look perfect”-type
look that you’re actually going for.
If you’re around open-minded people who aren’t cynical, I’m sure it’d be fine
and you probably wouldn’t be fussing with your shirt all day as if you’ve got
this weird itch, but if you aren’t and you’re surrounded by people who are
surely thinking, “Did that girl go to the bathroom without checking to make
sure that she isn’t all clean and put together afterwards?”
We all have those people in our lives, and if you happen to
be a fashion girl, that side of them is probably a bit more prominent than when
they’re with other people.
So I don’t know about you, but while I do this half-tuck
almost once every single week and have been for a while now, I’ve only recently
(a few months now) gotten over that little fear, and it still creeps back every
once in a while. It’s the same with all those other trends like only wearing
one earring, or buttoning your shirt improperly like Emma Watson did a few
years ago amongst many other things that look really super cool.
Of course, I didn’t let that little fear stop me from tucking
in my shirt just a bit at the front or on the side to complete my outfit for
the day, and you certainly shouldn’t either.
But please tell me that there’s at least one person out there who has the same
paranoia as me every time they do the half-tuck because then we can bond over
that little fact. I still get the urge sometimes to put a sign above my head saying, "This was intentional. I did not leave the shirt in accidentally after going pee. I'm glad we got that misunderstanding ironed out and have a good day."
Do you have the same dilemma... dilemmas as me? Do you often do the half-tuck? If so, when'd you start? Leave your comments and share your stories below!
- J
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