Image Credit: www.weheartit.com
Hi everyone! (Isn't this sweatshirt adorable?)
The world was kind of cruel to me this week - the one week I decide to start blogging every day, I get sick. Like, what? Why is the timing so freaking bad? Anywho, life is going to throw me obstacles disguised in viruses and I'm just going to have to deal with it. Therefore, I am blogging.
Basically, on Sundays, it's going to be pretty random what I post about. It will generally not be fashion-related, it's just going to be kind of a "chill" post, you know what I mean? This is a chance for you guys to get to know me a little better, I guess.
Going on with the "chill" theme, I'm just going to tell you guys how things have been going, some things I've been loving, and some new discoveries. In no particular order, of course.
I {heart} blogging
I've been so obsessed with blogging. I've tried starting blogs so many times, but I was never able to find the inspiration and motivation to keep going after about a week of posts. But it seems like things are different this time and I couldn't be happier. I really can't believe how well I'm keeping up with things and it's literally making me the happiest girl in the world. EEEP.
I was browsing around Pinterest and I rediscovered something that I pinned a while back...
Isn't it gorgeous?! I immediately fell in love with it the moment I saw it. But since I am a teenager and I'm not really supposed to be spending tons of money on pretty things (all the time), I wasn't sure how I would get my hands on this, and I'm still unsure. Either way, whether or not it will become a part of my closet, I still love it and it's definitely one of my favourite galaxy pieces that I've ever seen.

Image Credit: www.static.nme.com
You guys probably know that I'm pretty obsessed with Taylor Swift. I've been listening to her on repeat for ages and she's been the only thing I was listening to, ever since her new album, Red, came out in October (it's amazing, by the way, so check it out). But last weekend, my best friend reintroduced me to Marina and the Diamonds, and you guys, she's freaking amazing. Her sound is really uplifting and even her sadder songs have an incredibly cool edge to it, kind of like a dubstep-like vibe, so she's kind of an electro-pop artist. My favourite songs by her are How to be a Heartbreaker, Primadonna, and Lies. I'm obsessed. You should definitely check out her music if you haven't already.

Image Credit: www.pinterest.com
Pinterest has definitely been one of my favourite social media sites. It's such an amazing site because there is endless inspiration everywhere and it's just crazy. I love it. I know that it can be a little overwhelming when you first sign up, but it's worth it guys, it's worth trying to get through it. Trust me, it's so worth it. I've just found so many amazing things lately and if you're incredibly bored and have nothing to do, you should definitely make a Pinterest account and start pinning.

Image Credit: www.smuckers.ca
I'm sorry if this is kind of random, but like, everything has been kind of random, but I love food. Love, love, love food. And lately, I've been way too lazy to get my mom to drive me to my local Metro to get some "healthier" snacks, so I've just been snacking on Villagio white bread and this fantastic jam. I prefer Crofter's Strawberry Jam (it's organic), but once again, I've been lazy.
So that's that. I hope you enjoyed this completely random post. I had the best time writing this and thanks for reading! Also, if you'd like to follow me on Bloglovin... I wouldn't object. :) (Thanks in advance if you do)
- J
Oh my gawd! Can I pls have that sweater.. I need that sweater!! Soo perfect, I love your blog babe, really funny to read!
Thanks Oumayma! I'm glad you liked it. :)
Delete- Juliana
Get well soon Juliana! Love that sweater btw. x
Thank you Yanzel!