Hi there! I'm really sorry that this is up late, but here it is! Your PLL fashion recap! This week's episode was called Face Time, which made a lot of sense because the masks were pretty much the main focus of the episode. It was such an intense and crazy episode and I'm more confused than ever. Not that that's much of a surprise considering it is Pretty Little Liars.
Now on to the recap because that's what you came here for. Enjoy!
Before I jump into the each girl's individual style, can I just point out how adorable Spencer's bag is?! I'm obsessed.
Aria sported an array of beautiful tops in this episode and I wish I owned each and every one of them because they're just absolutely gorgeous and I want it all! Anyway, back to the point.
This outfit is a bit dressy, at least for my taste, for school, but you could easily dress it down with flats (or flat boots). One thing that I think is really important to have as a staple in your wardrobe is blazer that you can pretty much pair with everything. Fall isn't here yet, but once it comes along (and especially if you live in a chilly part of the world), you could really benefit from having something like this in your wardrobe.

I couldn't really tell if she was wearing a dress or a skirt and a top in this photo, but I guess it doesn't really matter. Graphic tees go well with everything from skirts to shorts to pants. So if you're out shopping and you see one that you like that's a bit crazy, but are unsure of how to wear it, just remember that they're ridiculously versatile. Or remember that you can never have enough in your closet. You know, whichever.
I'm not usually a huge fan of Hanna's style. I'm not saying that I don't like it, it's just sometimes, it's a bit too trendy for my style. That's why I was so surprised at how much I LOVED her outfit this week. The top is just amazing and the way it was paired with a bright red blazer makes the outfit a bit more polished. But since Hanna is also quite edgy, the spike necklace tied everything together perfectly.
Once again, I'm really sorry for the absolutely terrible quality of these photos. Anyway, Emily's style is always so casual and simple, and she always dresses in something that she can easily run around in. Since her style is usually so casual and simple, trends don't really make their way into her outfits... except for this one. It's really interesting to see how she played around with the all-white trend, but made it very Emily with an army green and leather jacket overtop.
To me, her outfits are the most school-appropriate out of the four, or at least the most easy to recreate for school. So if you're looking for some inspiration and love Emily's style, you could get a few school outfits from her.

I have always been a huge fan of Spencer's outfits, but this outfit wasn't something really special or out there. Don't get me wrong, she looks so polished, chic, and smart, but that's about it. Having said that, it's definitely a fantastic great outfit combination if you're just rushing out the door. The classic Spencer outfit consists of a nice structured blazer, an oxford shirt, dark pants, and a pair of riding boots.
Who's outfit was your favourite? Also, do you guys mind the bad quality of the photos too much, or are you happy that there are actual photos of the outfits? If you were wondering, the reason why the photos aren't of great quality is because I had to take screenshots from YouTube videos because there aren't already photos online. Also, would you like to see a post where I recreate these outfits? If so, which ones? Please let me know in the comments and share your thoughts!
Thanks for reading!
- J
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