Anyway, that aside, I'm back with a collection of lovely items (that all happen to be on sale, I might add) that I found this month. Little hidden treasures are what I like to call them. They are mostly spring-appropriate items because I'm really hoping for spring right now and Canada decided not to please me because we just got some more snow yesterday, so yeah.
Monday, March 31, 2014
One of a Kind Finds: March 2014
Anyway, that aside, I'm back with a collection of lovely items (that all happen to be on sale, I might add) that I found this month. Little hidden treasures are what I like to call them. They are mostly spring-appropriate items because I'm really hoping for spring right now and Canada decided not to please me because we just got some more snow yesterday, so yeah.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Sunday Funday: March 30/14
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Image via Tumblr |
Hi there! A lot of people say that you shouldn’t apologise
after being away from your blog for so long, but I just can’t help it. So I’m
sorry. Yeah. I can’t believe I’ve been gone for a week. I just needed to take a
bit of a break to sort through some stuff and figure out my voice again. But I’m
back, thank goodness. I’ve missed blogging so much.
This week hasn’t been all that eventful if I’m being quite
honest. I got back from Montebello Sunday afternoon feeling absolutely amazing.
Even though I had only been away for less than 24 hours, it was nice to just
relax, distance myself from all my responsibilities, and just enjoy some peace
and quiet for a change. Below are a few snaps of my little getaway…
Unfortunately, I was a bit too busy to actually take that many and didn’t take
any of my heavenly brunch or of our fun time tubing… Oops.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Sunday Funday: March 23/14
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Image Credit: We Heart It |
Hi there! It’s been a long week of studying after an
absolutely amazing Spring Break. I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun in one
week and this has to be the best Spring Break I’ve ever had.
I got to see my two best girlfriends where we talked, ate,
and talked some more. I also got to see my best guy friend again and had the
most lovely and hilarious chat that made me feel… whole again, in a way, like I did with my girlfriends. And to top
it all off, I got to hang out with my brother and take him out a bunch of
times. There’s something that being able to talk to my best friends, close
friends, and my brother that makes me incredibly happy and makes me feel alive
and amazing. Do you guys feel that way?
Anyway, let’s get into what I’ve been up to post-Spring
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Countdown to Confidence: How to Be Confident With What You Wear
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Image Credit: Etsy |
Hi there! This post was supposed to go up a few weeks ago,
but it’s such an important one in this “Countdown to Confidence” series and is
the last one, so I didn’t want to rush it. Today, I’ll be sharing my tips on how to be confident with what you wear.
Of course, it sounds simple enough, but it’s definitely easier said than done
and takes a bit of time, especially if you’re a pretty insecure person.
Here are links to the other posts if you haven't already read them: my story, getting started, faking it 'til you make it, skin problems, and starting a healthy lifestyle.
I used to be like that. I used to get really worried about
what people thought of me, what they thought of what I said, wore, the way I
acted. Basically, I was constantly freaking myself out because of all these
insecurities and it did not make me a
very fun person to be around.
Then, one summer, everything changed. I didn’t bite back my
laughter, hold back opinions in conversations (unless they were offensive, then
I’d keep them to myself), and I wore whatever the hell suited my fancy. I
gained confidence and it pretty much
changed my life.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Style Diary: Lodging Attire
Hi there! Yesterday, I woke up about to welcome the first of
spring only to look out my window and find it pouring rain. Like, seriously.
It’s kind of hilarious that it happened, or maybe that's just me.
Unfortunately, it’s still too cold for me to go outside to take
photos, plus it was raining, but I’m crossing my fingers that next week, I’ll be able to brave the
hopefully milder cold to give you some quality shots (or at least better than
the ones indoor).
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Spring into Spring: 20 Spring Pieces Under $20
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Image via WeHeartIt |
Here are a few of those pieces, but all under $20 so you can still indulge in a bit of spring fun, no matter your budget.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Haul: Spring Break 2014
Hi there! It's no secret that I like to shop. Or maybe I haven't actually said it before. Anyway, I love fashion and I love to shop, so I think those go hand in hand. This break, I spent a lot of time with friends (more than I ever have before in such a short period of time) and I also got the chance to go shopping (here are a few things I bought whilst out with a good friend).
Something I've always loved doing is shopping with my momma. I think she's the one who got me into it. When she immigrated here, she couldn't really go shopping a lot because my dad couldn't stand it, so as soon as she could drive and all that, I became her shopping buddy and it has been this way since.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
I Want Her Closet: Jenn Im from clothesencounters
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Hi there! I haven't done one of these in a while, the last one being Emma Watson in January, so I thought it'd be fun to bring them back. I've been following Jenn here for about a year or two now (I can't seem to remember when I discovered her). She's a fashion person on YouTube or "guru" which is the more common term, but I refrain from using it because it doesn't sit well with me. On her channel clothesencounters (isn't the name just brilliant?), she shares her tips on styling, outfit ideas, and her latest finds among other lovely videos. She's always so cheerful, but in a cool and calm way, if you know what I mean and in each and every video, her dazzling smile is present and her confidence is just oh-so contagious and is just a joy to watch.
Her style is just as flamboyant as her personality and is so freaking daring, it's amazing. With the way she carries herself and the crazy awesome outfits she wears, it's kind of hard to believe she's only 5'1. Just a warning first - it's nearly spring and these outfits might make you demand the weather gods to make it come a bit faster. Or maybe that's just me, haha.
Her style is just as flamboyant as her personality and is so freaking daring, it's amazing. With the way she carries herself and the crazy awesome outfits she wears, it's kind of hard to believe she's only 5'1. Just a warning first - it's nearly spring and these outfits might make you demand the weather gods to make it come a bit faster. Or maybe that's just me, haha.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Motivational Monday: Be True to Who You Are
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Image Credit: Sad but True Tumblr |
Hi there! I decided to start the new blogging year off on a
motivational note (even though it technically started yesterday, but we can
just ignore that little bit) by attacking a topic that is very important to me:
being true to yourself. I know, I know, it’s been covered quite a bit by pretty
much everyone at some point. I briefly touched on it back in October, so today,
I wanted to go a bit more in depth. I’ve also been through a bit over half of
my freshman year, so I feel like I have a better grasp of it all now, which I’d
like to share. Obviously.
But first, I just wanted to say that I'm not trying to offend anyone who chooses to do any of the things I'm about to mention and am trying to sound all mighty or whatever. I'm just stating my opinion. :)
But first, I just wanted to say that I'm not trying to offend anyone who chooses to do any of the things I'm about to mention and am trying to sound all mighty or whatever. I'm just stating my opinion. :)
Sunday, March 16, 2014
One Year Blog Anniversary!
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Image via WeHeartIt |
Anyway, today, there's a reason to celebrate: it's this little baby's one year anniversary! I still cannot believe that it's already been a year and 303 blog posts. THREE HUNDRED AND THREE. That's crazy to think about. Starting this blog was a spur of the moment decision and I couldn't be happier that I seized the moment and just went with it. It started out as Coco and Picasso (here's my first post if anyone wants to read it) and has since morphed into Style Generis, a blog that I am ridiculously proud of. Whether you've been here since the very beginning or just happened to stumble upon my little nook of the Web today, thank you, thank you, thank you for visiting.
Another huge thank you is in order for a special someone in my life because without her, none of this would've been possible. If you've been around for a while, you probably know who I'm talking about, but she's my best friend and the person who inspired me to start my blog in the first place. I discovered hers and decided that maybe I should make one, too. So thank you, thank you, thank you B. You have forever changed my life. Not to, you know, be dramatic or anything like that.
One of my most proud moments was definitely when I posted my Taylor Swift 22 t-shirt DIY which was my fifth post ever which got a crazy amount of views that I still cannot comprehend. Then came my first ever Links à la Mode mention for a post where I just spoke my mind and it landed me some wonderful comments that continued to make my day for days after that.
Another huge one was my DIY infinity wire ring which was something that I first made as gifts for my best friends for Christmas because they all wanted them but they weren't so popular back then. That one just blew my mind because I'd never expected it to be so popular. I mean, it has a crazy amount of repins (for me, at least) and all.
More recently, I shared my ideas for back-to-school outfit ideas which got way more views than I could've ever hoped for and the same thing for my Tris (Divergent) costume. Like, who knew?
So once again, an enormous thank you to all of you who read my blog and comment and for just being overall lovely, lovely people and I hope that you enjoyed this little segment of Reminiscing with Juliana. Your support means the world to mean and I can't wait to tackle the next 365 days/three hundred and something posts with you.
I don't think I've said thank you enough in this little rambly post, so THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN.
Thank you so much for reading!
- J
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
What to Wear: Spring Break Outfit Ideas
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Image via We Heart It |
I've never gone some place tropical or extravagant for Spring Break before, so this year was no different. To me, the week off is all about taking time for yourself, relaxing, and just hanging out with friends. A lot. So if you're looking for fun outfits to wear in the tropics, leave me a comment below requesting this (or not, you know, that's cool, too) because they aren't going to be here.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Sunday Funday: Tuesday Edition
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Image via We Heart It |
Hi there! I’m sorry that I’ve been MIA for the past few
days, but I assure you that I’m not going anywhere. I’ve just been really
enjoying my Spring Break and it feels really great to be back blogging again
because I’ve missed it so much. Even though it’s only been a few days. Everyone
seems to say that we bloggers shouldn’t apologise for not posting, but I just
can’t help but feel guilty. Oops.
This week is a really exciting one, and not just because of
Spring Break. Sunday is going to be a very special day for me because it’s this
baby’s one year anniversary! I still can’t believe that it’s almost here and it
just makes me so giddy and excited, you wouldn’t even believe.
I guess I should probably be telling you what I’ve been up
to the past few days that I’ve been out and it is a Sunday Funday after all, even though it’s no longer Sunday… It
just feels wrong to miss out on one. Anyway, my excitement might be deceiving
because to any other person, my week probably wasn’t that exciting, but I’d
like to share anyway.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
A Short and Sweet Mini Haul
Hi there! I was almost not going to post today (I was
feeling uninspired and I got a bit distracted… but I’ll tell you about that
another time), but then I got a really fun idea and decided that I’d post.
I got to hang out with my best friend again today after a
really long time (it felt like it) and it just made me really happy. I bought a
few things, so think of this as a mini haul. A short and sweet one.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
I'm Feeling a Bit Nostalgic
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Image via Tumblr |
Hi there! With Spring Break coming up, I’m definitely going to
be relaxing and taking advantage of the week that I have off, which I’m so
stoked about. During that week off, I’m planning on spending a bit of time in a
coffee shop. I don’t know, there’s something about them that are just so
alluring and I can’t help but want to visit every once in a while. And there's something so nostalgic about that to me.
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Image Credit: FullStart |
I think the reason why I can’t help but be drawn to them is
because of 7th grade when my friends and I spent our lunch time at a
cute little place a short walking distance from school. It sat about twelve
people, I’d say and I remember each time we walked in after being outside in
the cold, my glasses fogged up to the point where I couldn’t see, but being
able to smell the fragrant pastries was more than enough.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
DIY: Jumbo Washi Tape Wall Calendar
One of my good friends gave me two rolls of washi tape for my birthday last summer and I immediately went to label my pens and decorate with them because I have this thing for decorative tape (it's weird). Anyway, recently, I've been getting the urge to get myself a nice, big monthly wall calendar to make up for the tiny one in my agenda and I didn't really feel like spending money on such a simple thing either, so here's the DIY!
I'm super happy with how it turned out and I might decide to add a little title of some sort up top, but it's late, so forgive me.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
3 Ways to Wear: Everything and Anything Pink
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Image via We Heart It |
Monday, March 3, 2014
March's Big Five
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Image via We Heart It |
Hi there! I haven’t really come to terms with how it’s March
yet, but I’ll save you the ramble that you had to endure in yesterday’s post. And
I can’t seem to figure out a way to lengthen this introduction, so I’ll save
you the awkwardness of reading forced and insincere words and just get into
what I’m excited for this month. Which reminds me – I need a new name for this
column, so I’d really appreciate it if you’d leave your suggestions in the
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Sunday Funday: March 2/14
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Image via We Heart It |
Hi there! I hope that your March is going well so far. I
still can’t really believe that we’re heading into the end of the first quarter
of the year already, like it hasn’t really soaked in yet. (It’s crazy.) I’m
just really excited about March because March has always been pretty good to
me. I guess I should probably knock on wood now.
As a student, I always get excited about March because
Spring Break still exists for us, or March Break as the Canadians like to call
it (but I’ll gladly admit that Spring Break sounds much cooler). I’m just so
stoked to get myself really organised and move forward with the all the goals
and projects that I want to do just to make my life better and much, much
happier. I’ve been getting inspired a lot more lately, which is making me
really happy and just overall excited. If you couldn’t already tell, I’m just
really excited. But that’s too vague, so I guess I should narrow it down.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Resolutions Diary: February 2014
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Image Credit: Zatrzymujac Czas |
Hi there! This month has not been a very good one for me, to
say the least. I guess some would say that I’d fallen off the wagon, even
though it really wasn’t that bad. So you could say that my resolutions didn’t
hold up very well. You know, just maybe. Here’s a rundown of what happened.
The month started out great, you know. I was super excited
about getting into these newly worded resolutions and leading a better life and
honestly, I thought I could handle it. But then the new semester came around
and I just had a lot of work to do, essentially. It wasn’t hard, but there was
just a lot of it and it took time. Anyway, the point of this little ramble is
to say that it started out great, and started going south.
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