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Image Credit: Lucas (Autumn vibes) via PhotoPin CC |
Hi there! This week has kind of been exhausting and insane, but somehow, I'm still really pumped to tackle the rest of this whole year and what's to come. I find that there's always so much in your life that you can get down about and can make you miserable and sometimes, it's not a good idea to ignore them, but you can also choose to ignore the right ones and choose to get excited for the good things in life, no matter how small or big.
Maybe my way of thinking will change in the next year or later on, something that's quite probable, but this is what's working for me right now.
I've also learned a couple of things this week and have acted upon said things. The first month and a week or so of school, I was trying to juggle a lot and thinking of juggling even more things as that period of time progressed. But then I realised, okay, there's no way in hell I will be able to do that. I won't be able to keep my body healthy, my mind healthy, or complete anything with any sense of accomplishment and satisfaction because something or somethings will have been done without much effort on my part.
So I dropped tutoring in favour of my new job and I dropped the whole attempting-to-post-daily thing because it was just not working. I'd try so hard to make it happen, but it just wasn't possible. It also made me feel really guilty and just bad for not being able to do what I'd set out to do and guilt for not being able to accomplish a goal is one of the worst kinds, I find. I mean, all guilt sucks, but when you have no one to forgive you but yourself, it gets tough.
Anyway, speaking of work, the outlets where I'm working opened up this week and it was all super exciting. I got to help set up one of the nights before they opened and it was quite insane. I walked in and there were people everywhere running about, folding clothes and can be best described as chaotic. Oh, and insane, but fun nonetheless.
I wasn't scheduled to work on opening day which I was pretty glad about because I got to enjoy the festivities with everyone else and got to check out the stores and everything. I didn't get much except for a Marc by Marc Jacobs watch that was a ridiculously low price compared to everything I found online and it's just the cutest little thing.
I love chunky and oversized watches, but there's something about this one that drew me in and I'm so in love with its blue face. Plus, the gold is just perfect. I find that some of the Michael Kors gold watches are just so bright and look a bit ostentatious for my taste, so I'm really glad I found this one.
I also found a part of Christmas presents for B and C, both who I know are reading this so I obviously won't elaborate, but I'm very, very excited about that. Like little kid on Christmas day excited, or maybe Santa on Christmas Eve - whichever floats your boat.
On Saturday, I did have to work (an 8-hour shift, no less) and it was my first "real" day of work, you could say. I've done training at another store and helped set up, but those circumstances aren't the same as interacting with customers at "your own" store. I was worried that the eight hours would trickle by slowly, but it was actually pretty great. My friend W (okay, yeah, I know that sounds so weird so I'll just call him Will) visited twice and some other people from school swung by as well, so time kind of flew by.
Outlets are a place that is really special to me because it's a family tradition to drive to the States to check out the outlets. I also went with my mom a lot a few summers ago to the small outlet centre we do have in our town and some really great memories were made there. While the place is an annoyingly long bus ride away from my house (but a ridiculously short drive), it's really cool that I get to work there.
Since it was the big opening day, there were also fireworks which were great to see so close up. Fireworks never cease to fascinate and amaze me after the many, many times I've seen them. There's just something so magical about seeing sparkly things get shot up in the air and having that sparkle rain down on you.
Speaking of obsessions with sparkly things, Taylor Swift was a very big part of my week. Tuesday morning when I woke up, the first thing I did was check my phone for her new song "Out of the Woods" and like the Swifties who have been fans from the very beginning when her country roots were very prominent, I was just a bit worried that pop wouldn't suit her, but holy moly - absolutely adore the song. It is so, so, so good and is getting me even more pumped for October 27th which is literally eight days away. I'm going straight to Target after school to get the album, there's no question about that.
You can give the song a quick listen down below if you haven't already heard the masterpiece. If you've listened to it once and are feeling a bit "meh" about it, listen to it again. I'm almost positive that you'll enjoy it more.
She's also been quite active on Tumblr and like I said last week, it's a pretty amazing Tumblr. I've gushed to B about how great I think it is and she told me that she wanted to get famous just so she could be that nice and I agree wholeheartedly.
If I told you everything that happened during my week, you'd be stuck here for a while, but tell me how you've been doing! Have shopping malls created some good memories for you? Thoughts on Taylor's new song? Leave your thoughts in a comment below!
- J
Honestly I was still kind of unsure whether I'll like 1989 when I heard Shake It Off; I actually liked the music video better. But Out of the Woods? Ohmygod I'm addicted. I'll get the deluxe album as soon as it comes out, and one of the many things that I'm looking forward is those very first ideas of the songs Taylor recorded. I'm so curious about how she creates her music!
ReplyDeleteYES! The little voice memos were one of the things that I was most excited for and they are so intriguing oh my gosh. x