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Image Credit: foerstemann via Pixabay |
Hi there! We're nearing the end of yet another month and as usual, I can't believe that it's already been yet another month. I feel like I just started school like last week, but I didn't because it's been like, four. Insanity, very much like this past week.
If you've been following for a while, you probably know that I get way less sleep than what I should be getting every night, and this week was another one of those really bad weeks in terms of sleep. There was one day, actually two where I just went home with the intention of getting loads done, but just ended up passing out for about 15 minutes on the couch because I was so exhausted. Not good, J, really not good.
But despite my fears and doubts, the week before last, I filled out the form and waited anxiously for it to be approved. When it did, I let out a sigh of relief and then proceeded to freak out a bit more at the thought of putting myself out there in front of my peers. I usually pride myself in being confident about things like that but this was a whole other level altogether.
When the day came around, I was a huge jumble of nervous energy, but aside from some idiots and jerks in the form of teenage boys who signed up as a joke, a lot more people than I could've ever imagined signed up and it made me so happy to see my friends supporting me. Their support continued on to Tuesday when I had my very first meeting. *squeals a lot*
Like most clubs where producing creative content/material is its main goal, it was a bit quiet and awkward, but again, a LOT more people turned up than what I'd originally thought. Of course, the group will dwindle down considerably as the year goes on, but it's a pretty great start so far and I couldn't be happier. If you're reading this right now, thank you thank you thank you for being a part of this really exciting journey and I hope that I'll make it worth your while.
I also got back into working out this week and eating well. I know I said that a few weeks ago, but I'm really committing to it this time and am forcing myself to do it because I know how good it'll make me feel in the end and in the long-term. Along with eating well, I've discovered quinoa and my mom actually bought a big bag from Costco. We made it with chicken broth last week and holy crap is it good. Just this Friday, I made a quinoa salad with some chopped up mango, avocago, tomato, and corn with some balsamic vinaigrette and a few Craisins because I was feeling adventurous, aha, on top and holy crap was that heaven on a plate. So, so good and I highly suggest that you try it out yourself and just eyeball everything. Trust your eyeballs, guys.
On an entertainment-y note, was very, very proud of Bethany Mota on Dancing with the Stars this week. I mean, I was also very proud of her last week because she danced pretty darn well to Taylor Swift's "Shake it Off." This past week, I found her performance to be super cool because she was lying on top of what is apparently a bass (I thought it was a cello or something) and incorporated that into the dance, which looked really cool, especially since it was to Meghan Trainor's "All About that Bass."
Though I'm nowhere near a ginormous Motavator, I'm still proud that someone from the internet, from the YouTube community has made it so far and especially at such a young age. And it also makes me so much more proud to see other YouTubers like Troye Sivan, Connor Franta, and Michelle Phan supporting her in the crowd. Needless to say, I'm rooting for her throughout this whole thing.
As for music, while I'm patiently awaiting the arrival of Taylor Swift's new album, I've been busying myself with Sam Smith's "Lonely Hour" and have listened to it probably about twenty times already. It's so, so good, guys. My favourite songs are (besides his singles Money on my Mind, Stay with Me, and I'm Not the Only One which are all ridiculously good) Like I Can, Life Support, Reminds Me of You, and Restart, but the whole thing as a, well, whole is really great. Just go listen to it.
Are there any cool clubs at your school? How about your thoughts on Dancing with the Stars? And someone please tell me they're just as obsessed with Sam Smith as I am. Please? Leave your comments and share your thoughts below!
- J
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