Hi there! I'm a pretty big Pretty Little Liars addict and naturally, after the incredibly intense season premiere Tuesday night, I wanted to share you a more close-up look of the fashion in the premiere. Just to clarify, this isn't going to be the kind of posts where the bloggers religiously hunt down the pieces that the actresses wore because there are so many blogs (specifically tumblr's) out there that would do a much better job then I would. I'm simply going to be talking about the amazing fashion in these episodes.
I'd just like to point out that the photo above is such a classic PLL shot. They're at a funeral (they seem to attend at least one per season) and they're all on their phones after getting a text from A. Typical.
Just a quick little message beforehand... I couldn't find any photos of Tuesday's episode online that would work for this post, so I had to take screenshots. All photos without "Image Credit" underneath them belong to ABC Family. Now on to the fashion recap!
Aria Montgomery's style is almost always absolutely impeccable and she's usually my favourite fashion-wise of the four girls. But this week, I felt like her outfits were missing that little bit of oomph (I couldn't think of an actual word to describe it...) that make me completely fall in love with her outfits.
On a side note, Lucy Hale (the girl who plays Aria) was absolutely amazing in the scene that this photo was taken from. Her principal (or vice-principal, I don't even know) called her down to his office and she thought that A exposed her past relationship with her teacher, Ezra, to him and this scene was a dream of what could've happened. Every little movement she made made me just sympathise with her so much. When she started crying, I almost did, too.
I usually love all of Spencer's outfits. Aria and Spencer are my two favourites from the show even though their styles are on completely different ends of the spectrum. Aria's super edgy, quirky, and unique, whereas Spencer's style is really quite preppy and classic, but with a modern twist to it.
Once again, I wasn't head-over-heels crazy in love with her outfits this week, but that might've had to do with the fact that they spent a good chunk of the episode in the exact same outfits that they were wearing in the season 3 finale. I did, however, like how no matter what Spencer's wearing, you can just look at it and think, "That's so Spencer." Hopefully, the next episode will be a bit better where fashion is concerned.
Can I just take a moment to gush about how freaking adorable Toby and Spencer's relationship is? (No, I'm not actually going to wait for an answer.) I'm so happy that Toby's not actually a bad guy and that he's actually the perfect (ish) boyfriend, at least to Spencer.
I'm usually not a big fan of Emily's style just because it just doesn't appeal to me that much. She's very...sporty and my style usually isn't. The closest I usually get to sporty is Converse, hoodies, and in gym class. However, this week, I absolutely adored her little crop top and denim shorts. It's such a simple outfit, but there was one thing that made it so different from her usual outfits. After a while, I finally figured out what it was: the fact that her bra straps aren't showing. I'm not saying that they usually do, but usually, with outfits like these, they almost always show. I'm glad that they aren't because to me, it makes the ensemble a bit more flirty and clean instead of hovering (is that even the right word?) of showing too much skin.
Oh, Hanna... She's really quite a hilarious character and I love her because of it. Her style matches her personality quite perfectly because it's simply crazy and over-the-top (most of the time). The dress wasn't really something that appealed to me that much,, it was the headwrap. I stared at it for a while and I couldn't really decide whether or not I liked it, at least at first. But it definitely grew on me. Apparently, Ashley Benson, the actress who plays Hanna dyed her hair brown for another role, so after she wrapped up that project, her roots were still really dark. and that was what the headwrap was for.
Either way, I found it to be a charming little addition to the outfit that really pulled it all together.
I also really liked how Hanna this outfit was. Any other girl would probably pair that top with some simple jeans or leggings, but what makes this outfit so Hanna is the fact that she went all out with the American Apparel disco pants.
Image Credit
This might sound so weird, but I love it when Pretty Little Liars has funerals because everyone is wearing a LBD and it really showcases each girl's individual unique style.
Naturally, Hanna wore a dress that was completely inappropriate for a funeral, at least in my opinion.
I don't really know what to say about Emily's dress because it's pretty simple, but the neckline really made it appropriate for her. I can't say that I'm a fan of the neckline though, it just looks kind of awkward, to be honest.
I feel like you guys are going to get tired of me saying this, but Spencer's ensemble is so perfect her. It's so classy, but the loafer-like heels, peplum, and polka dot mesh add a bit of something different to an "ordinary" dress.
If I were Aria, I probably wouldn't wear what she was wearing to a funeral because it's a bit much too wear such a beautiful dress to the funeral of a dead guy you don't exactly enjoy the company of. Just saying. The dress itself is just so gorgeous and the thick straps really sold it for me.
Which girl's style was your favourite? Which outfit did you like best? Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? Also, do you enjoy these fashion recap posts? Please leave me a comment down below sharing your thoughts!
Thanks for reading!
- J
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