Hi there! Once June starts, it really doesn't feel like summer anymore, at least mentally and where I live. All that's on my mind right now is the end of the school year and my summer holidays. But before I get into all that stuff, I think it's appropriate to take a minute (or a few) to reminisce the good times from the past few months.
You can expect these seasonal favourites four times a year and I'll just be sharing with you my fashion-related and random favourites and highlights from the springtime. Keep reading if you're interesting in finding out what they are!
- My Converse sneakers - I've been wearing either my black Converse high tops or my black sequin Converse low tops everyday (with a few exceptions, of course) last spring, even if it's technically still spring... They're once again such comfortable and classic shoes that seem to go with everything, so that's why I've been loving them so much.
- My baggy, oversized oatmeal sweater - My girlfriends and I actually all wore the same baggy sweaters for Twin Day early on last month. We were going to DIY them, but we were lazy and never got around to it, so we've all kind of fallen in love with these uber comfy and sweaters from Old Navy. I'll probably have to put my beloved sweater away now that it's summer, but it was definitely a staple in my closet.

- The Met Ball - I've known of the Met Ball ever since sixth grade, so it wasn't something new to me, but I've never been this excited about the Ball until this year. This year, I sat at my computer waiting for the livestream online and once it came on, I just sat there, awestruck by all the beautiful dresses and how the whole fashion world embraced the punk theme (even if some didn't). I think that's what made it so special for me this year, the punk theme. It was definitely very intriguing and I kept on thinking about the Ball weeks after it took place.
- Music - I've honestly never listened to music as much as I did these past few months. It has definitely acted as my escape from the real world. My favourites were Taylor Swift (obviously) and Lana del Rey.

- My guitar - I've been loving my guitar for pretty much the same reason as the previous favourite. Also, it's just so much fun to play on my guitar for hours until my fingertips start to hurt.
- My laptop - I've been blogging on my brother's old laptop for the past two months and I've pretty much been on it 24/7. I was using a desktop computer before this, so I found the fact that I could carry a computer anywhere in my house pretty freaking amazing.

- Blogging - I started my blog mid-March and I've been loving every single second of it. I never thought that I'd be able to keep up blogging for so long (even though it's just almost been three months) and have actual followers. The fact that I have a combined total of about 20 followers (if I take out the multiple accounts that they have) which is actually crazy to me. It might seem like a tiny number, but it means the world to me. So thank you if you read my blog or are just reading this post right now. Thank you.
What were some of your favourites from spring? Leave me a comment down below sharing your thoughts, I'd love to know!
Thanks for reading!
- J
just found your blog and i'm loving it (mcdonalds came to mind there aha) totally following you xoxo
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your sweet compliments! AND the follow! You just brightened my day. :)
Delete- Juliana