Hi there! It has been a really, really emotional week and I thought I'd fill you guys in on what has been going on in my life. Keep on reading if you're interested!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Sunday Funday: I Miss You Already
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Pretty Little Liars Fashion Recap: Cat's Cradle

Image Credit
Hi there! The clothes in this week's episode was simply spectacular, but what isn't so spectacular is how there are literally no head-to-toe shots of what the characters wore that are decent quality. In addition to that, the YouTube videos were even worse quality, so it was really hard to get a decent screenshot. Anywho, that's why, just as a warning for all of you, the photos are either of the top half of the character or pretty bad quality. I'm sorry for that, but something is better than nothing. At least, that's how I think.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Farewell Google Reader and Hello Bloglovin!

Hi there! Hopefully, you've heard this news, but if not, let me be the one to tell you that Google Reader is retiring forever on July 1st (aka Monday). I just wanted to let you guys know really quickly because if you're currently following my blog through Google Reader, you won't be able to keep up with my blog using that method anymore. However, there are a few other ways you can still keep up to date and receive notifications of posts for your favourite blogs.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
What to Where: 4th of July

Image Credit
Hi there! Since the 4th of July is coming up in a few short days, I figured that I'd share a few outfit ideas for those of you who need some inspiration for what to wear on such a patriotic day. After all, it is one of the only days in the year that you can deck yourself out in patriotic clothing and not look like a complete weirdo.
Anywho, onto the outfits!
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Outfit of the Day: Graduation!
Hi there! I guess it's kind of odd that this post is going up today because I actually graduated yesterday. But whatever, that's besides the point.
I just have one thing to say before I get into today's post. As you may or may not know, Google Reader is disappearing forever on July 1st, so if you are currently following me using Google Reader, please consider following me on Bloglovin instead to keep up to date with my posts. If you don't already have a Bloglovin account, it's super easy to make one and so useful because you can keep all the blogs that you follow in one place.
Anywho, now on to the post!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
What to Where: Canada Day

Hi there! This post is dedicated to all of my Canadian readers. Canada Day is coming up shortly on July 1st, so I decided to share some of my Canada Day outfit ideas with all of you. Hopefully, if you're stumped on what to wear on this patriotic day, this post will give you some inspiration. Enjoy!
Monday, June 24, 2013
DIY: Harry Potter Sweater
Hi there! The moment I saw this photo of a Harry Potter sweater on Pinterest, I knew that I had to make it for my friend's birthday. Because it was just a photo, I decided to post a DIY tutorial on it (which is so long overdue and for that, I'm sorry), so here it is!
P. S. The blog url is going to change to stylegeneris.blogspot.com on Monday, September 9th. If you want to learn more about the change, check out my blog post here.
P. S. The blog url is going to change to stylegeneris.blogspot.com on Monday, September 9th. If you want to learn more about the change, check out my blog post here.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Sunday Funday: Nostalgia Hits

Hi there! It's Sunday, so here's this week's Sunday Funday! It was a pretty hectic week which is no longer unusual, it seems. I'm so glad that the week's over, but at the same time, I'm pretty sad about it because it's my last week of school next week and I'm probably not going to see the majority of the people in my class ever again when school starts up again.
Anyway, all that sad and nostalgic stuff aside, if you'd like to know how I spent my week, keep on reading!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
50 Random Facts About Me!
Hi there! I know that this is more of a YouTube tag as opposed to a blog tag (I really hope that made sense), but it seemed like such a fun one, so I was like, "Why not?" Also, no one specifically tagged me, but when YouTubers say "I tag anyone watching this video!" I usually take it as an open invitation. That's why today, you're going to learn 50 completely random things about me and maybe get to know me a little better.
It was incredibly hard to come up with these facts because I'm really not that interesting of a person, but maybe you'll find this interesting somehow. Just so you're warned, I'll be saying words like "love" and "obsessed" quite a bit. Enjoy!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Pretty Little Liars Fashion Recap: Turn of the Shoe

Another week went by, so that means a new Pretty Little Liars episode aired. You'd think that the show was popular enough for there to be photos online of what the characters were wearing so fashion bloggers obsessed with the show could use them to blog about the episodes... but no, it clearly isn't. Anyway, like last week, I'm going to be sharing photos of what the characters wore and I'm going to be sharing my thoughts.
Since there weren't many photos online of what the Liars wore, I had to screenshot YouTube videos, so that's why the photos aren't of amazing quality. But something's better than nothing, right?
Anyway, if you want to see what they wore or what I have to say, keep on reading!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
3 Ways to Wear: Jelly Sandals

Image Credit
Last week, I wrote a post sharing my obsession with jelly sandals. In that post, I promised a "3 Ways to Wear" post, so here it is, as promised! Enjoy!
3 Ways to Wear,
Outfit Inspiration,
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Summer Bucket List 2013

Hi there! This post doesn't really have to do with fashion, so I hope that you won't mind that this is going up on a weekday. Today, I just wanted to talk about something that I'm sure is on everyone's minds: summer. To me, this photo perfectly captures the whole feeling of summer, that freedom and joy that we should all be lucky enough to experience.
It's starting to feel like summer around here, so I decided to brainstorm a list of things that I want to get done this summer. The title might be slightly misleading, but this is just, once again, a list of goals for that I have for the summertime once I'm out of school next week. I definitely think that you, too, should make a summer bucket list this year just so you won't feel like you're wasting it sleeping in and browsing the internet all day.
Keep reading to find out what I'm planning on doing this summer!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
13 Perfect Pairs of Flip Flops for the Summer

Hi there! Summer's here (for the majority of you, I'm still in school...) and some of you probably have plans at the beach, or just hanging around town with your friends. I know in the summer, I don't want to have to spend the time lacing up any shoes or what not, so flip flops are a no-brainer and just so easy to slip on and head out the door. Besides, you never know when you're going to get wet.
I put together a list of 13 (because 13 is cool like that, don't judge me) amazing pairs of flip flops for your summer. Enjoy!
Monday, June 17, 2013
I Want Her Closet: Blair Waldorf

Hi there! The other day, I was mourning the inevitable death of Gossip Girl, one of my favourite TV guilty pleasures of all time, so I decided to blog about it! Blair and Serena's styles are simply perfect and I'm absolutely obsessed with both of them. I'll definitely do "I Want Her Closet" and "Looks for Less" posts from both of them. You could probably tell from the title, but today, I'm starting off with Blair Waldorf. She's classy, smart, and absolutely hilarious. She's such a joy to watch and always manages to brighten my day.
I know that she isn't an actual real person like my other "I Want Her Closet" posts have featured, but I thought, what the heck, her closet is to-die-for, so nothing's stopping me!
As usual, I will be featuring a few outfits of hers that I absolutely adore and at the end, there will be a few tips and tricks on how to recreate Blair's impeccable style. Just a quick warning for you, this post is quite long, and I hope you don't mind. But then again, who would mind looking at gorgeous pictures of amazing fashion and Blair Waldorf?
Celebrity Style,
Gossip Girl,
I Want Her Closet,
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Sunday Funday: Grad and Graduation

Hi there! I swear, in every single one of my Sunday Funday's lately, my weeks have either been really busy or really blah. This week was yet another week of me being completely overwhelmed by extracurricular activities. And I loved every minute of it. Well, the ones when I wasn't yelling at my peers, which were rare, but WHATEVER.
Keep on reading if you want to know what I've been up to!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Dear Daddy...

Hi there! This post will be similar to my Mother's Day post last month, so it will be quite personal. If this doesn't interest you, I'll be back with my regular posts tomorrow! But if you do want to read my letter to my father, you know what to do...
Friday, June 14, 2013
Pretty Little Liars Fashion Recap: A is for A-L-I-V-E

Hi there! I'm a pretty big Pretty Little Liars addict and naturally, after the incredibly intense season premiere Tuesday night, I wanted to share you a more close-up look of the fashion in the premiere. Just to clarify, this isn't going to be the kind of posts where the bloggers religiously hunt down the pieces that the actresses wore because there are so many blogs (specifically tumblr's) out there that would do a much better job then I would. I'm simply going to be talking about the amazing fashion in these episodes.
I'd just like to point out that the photo above is such a classic PLL shot. They're at a funeral (they seem to attend at least one per season) and they're all on their phones after getting a text from A. Typical.
Just a quick little message beforehand... I couldn't find any photos of Tuesday's episode online that would work for this post, so I had to take screenshots. All photos without "Image Credit" underneath them belong to ABC Family. Now on to the fashion recap!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
What to Where: Father's Day

Hi there! It's Father's Day this weekend, so I wanted to share with you a few outfit ideas for whatever activity you're doing with your father. Keep reading if you're interested in seeing the outfits!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Current Love: Jelly Sandals

Hi there! You could probably tell from the title above, but today, I'm going to share with you my latest obsession: jelly sandals, more specifically, the ones from NINA2 and HUEY2. Aren't they lovely? They're a cool twist on a regular old pair of sandals and are absolutely perfect for summer. I'm hoping to go out and get my own pair soon because they just look so amazing.
Keep reading to find out why I love them so much!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Father's Day Gift Guide 2013

Hi there! It's Father's Day this Sunday, so I figured that I would share with you a few of my gift ideas that you could give your dad this Father's Day. These ideas are based on what my dad would like and what I've heard some of my friends talk about, so that perfect gift might not be in this guide, but hopefully, it'll spark some inspiration for you. Keep reading if you're interested!
Monday, June 10, 2013
DIY: Hailee Steinfeld-Inspired Tee
Celebrity Style,
Red Carpet Style,
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Sunday Funday: The Little Things

Hi there! My week has been pretty standard and ordinary, I guess. It wasn't exactly that busy and I actually wasn't stressed for once. Woot woot!
For me, life is all about the little things and this week has proven that. Nothing really major happened, just a bunch of small little things that made me appreciate what I have and who I have in my life. (You know who you are...) So thank you to those of you.
Anyway, if you want to know what's been going on in my life this week, keep on reading!
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Happy Best Friends Day!

Hi there! If you didn't already know, today, June 8th, is (Inter)national Best Friends Day. It was my best friends' birthdays last month (and the month before) and I tried to write them some letters, but every time I sat down to write them, nothing would come out. So I decided that it was a good idea to dedicate today's post to my four best friends: Avya, Bohmyi, Deshna, and Kailey. I love you guys and I don't even know if any of you guys are going to read this, but I'm just going to put it out there in the blogosphere. This is definitely a really personal post, but I hope that you can relate and will enjoy it anyway.
My Life,
Friday, June 7, 2013
Outfit of the Day: 90's Kid
Hi there! I'm usually someone who really likes to plan everything in advance, outfits included. Being a student and blogger, I'm incredibly busy the majority of the time, so planning my outfits ahead isn't always possible, but I usually have a clear idea of what I want to wear in my head. Unlike my usual outfits, this one was completely spontaneous. I literally saw this t-shirt in my closet, thought it looked lonely, and decided to work with it and wear it that day.
Keep reading to see the details of the outfit!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
3 Ways to Wear: Converse Sneakers

Hi there! If you read my Converse post last week, you know that I absolutely adore them. They're such classic and versatile shoes that might seem a bit pricey (they're in the $50-$70 range) at first, but are total staple in my closet.
After every "Current Love" post, I will be posting a follow-up post on different ways I like to style said love. So that's what you guys are getting today. Enjoy!
3 Ways to Wear,
Outfit Inspiration,
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Spring Favourites 2013

Hi there! Once June starts, it really doesn't feel like summer anymore, at least mentally and where I live. All that's on my mind right now is the end of the school year and my summer holidays. But before I get into all that stuff, I think it's appropriate to take a minute (or a few) to reminisce the good times from the past few months.
You can expect these seasonal favourites four times a year and I'll just be sharing with you my fashion-related and random favourites and highlights from the springtime. Keep reading if you're interesting in finding out what they are!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
5 Tips on Creating Your Personal Style
Hi my lovelies! I'm Bohmyi from A Beautyfull Word and today I'm going to be writing a guest post for Coco and Picasso. I was reading Juliana's lovely post about her personal style and for many people, it's hard to create your personal style. It's really confusing with an infinite amount of clothes out there, which is what makes it so fun when you nail your personal style.
I don't think I've personally gotten to a point where I can say I know my personal style but I have a better sense of what it is now than I did before. It's definitely a process since your personal style will always be changing as you develop, but I've compiled some tips that should help you out on getting a better idea of what your personal style is.
Monday, June 3, 2013
My Personal Style

Hi there! Today, I'm going to talk to you about my personal style.
First off, I know that I've used this photo before on this blog, but please forgive me - it was simply the perfect photo to describe my personal style.
One of my very first posts back in March - which wasn't that long ago now that I think about it - was about how important it was to have a personal style because that's what makes you unique from the next girl.
Outfit Inspiration,
Personal Style
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Sunday Funday: Busy, Busy Me

Hi there! I'm back with yet another Sunday Funday, so let's get on with it.
My week can be summed up in one word: hectic. Unfortunately, it wasn't one of those hectic weeks that I actually enjoyed when I was busy 24/7, got tons of things done, and actually enjoyed every minute of it. It was one of those weeks when I felt like I wanted to just go to sleep for a long time (and wake up obviously, but you know).
My week can be summed up in one word: hectic. Unfortunately, it wasn't one of those hectic weeks that I actually enjoyed when I was busy 24/7, got tons of things done, and actually enjoyed every minute of it. It was one of those weeks when I felt like I wanted to just go to sleep for a long time (and wake up obviously, but you know).
Like one of my favourite YouTube beauty gurus said, "Though everyday may not be good, there is something good in everyday." Keep reading to find out the good things from my semi-bleh week. If you're interested, of course.
My Life,
Sunday Funday
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Ramble: Where Is This Year Going?!

Today, I'm going to introduce to you a column (you could say) called "Rambles" where I basically ramble to some extent about what's going on in my life; my thoughts. It's the blog equivalent of a vlog when YouTubers update you on their life. These posts are so you guys can get to know me a little bit better. Whenever I'm reading a new blog or whatnot, I love that personal connection between the blogger and their readers, so I'm hoping to establish that with you guys.
Anyway, on to the ramble.
Anyway, on to the ramble.
My Life,
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