Image Credit: www.weheartit.com
The inspiration for this post came along when I was just looking around on Pinterest and was being completely unproductive - or so I thought - when I stumbled upon this...

Image Credit: www.brit.co
At the time, my bedroom was a complete disaster, particularly my desk. I was completely overwhelmed with a million school and personal projects that I developed this terrible mantra: It's going to get messy again after I do _______. There's no point in attempting to clean my room. It got so bad that it was nearly impossible for me to find a clear path from the door to my bed. It was pretty darn terrible.
After weeks (cringe-worthy, I know) of living in that mess, I finally found the motivation to clean up. My personal motivation was simply from scrolling around on Pinterest and finding pretty pictures of organised spaces. Here are a few of my favourite workspaces intertwined with some tips to (hopefully) inspire you to get yourself organised. Enjoy!

Image Credit: www.casavogue.globo.com
1. First off, ask yourself: What do you do at your desk? Are you using it as a place for studying and doing schoolwork, crafts and DIY's, artwork, blogging, or what? I use my desk to study and do my homework as well as blogging, which to me is in the same category as schoolwork, and art-related stuff. That's everything from painting to drawing to making wire rings. My desk is quite the all-purpose essential and I would be completely lost without it.

Image Credit and DIY Tutorial here
2. If you use your desk for more than one "category" of things, make sure to organise your supplies accordingly. In my case, I use my desk for schoolwork and such, as well as arts and crafts. My desk has three areas, one in the middle with my desktop computer, and a space on the left and the right. I put all of my art supplies on the right and my school stuff on the left. And everything that I can use for both "categories" go in the middle on the shelf above my computer.
3. Something really important is to de-clutter. Anything that you know you'll never need and isn't for decoration shouldn't find its home on your desk. As a student, I find that having a ton of stuff on my desk just distracts me when I'm trying to do any kind of work. I have a ton of scrap paper just chilling on my desk, so I decided to go through it all and recycle all the sheets that have been completely covered up with writing. The rest I keep in a neat area on a shelf on my desk to use later on. Make sure that you have enough space to actually get work done comfortably.
4. This might seem kind of obvious, but I've actually seen - believe it or not - desks that don't have a garbage can, so go get yourself one if you don't have one. It is an essential to have at your desk that will make your life so much easier and cleaner.
5. Once again, another obvious, but very important item - a comfortable desk chair. Chances are you're going to be spending a lot of time at your desk, and even if it's a short period of time, don't you want to stay comfortable? Get yourself one that you can picture spending hours sitting in and not just a pretty one.
I just have a quick little update for you guys... I recently made a Facebook page for the blog, so if you want to go check that out, I wouldn't be one to stop you. :)
Thanks for reading!

Image Credit: landscapestudent.blogspot.ca

Image Credit: arowntree.blogspot.com.au
I just have a quick little update for you guys... I recently made a Facebook page for the blog, so if you want to go check that out, I wouldn't be one to stop you. :)
That concludes today's May Motivation. Let me know in the comments what you do at your desk? Are you happy with how it's currently organised? Which of these workspace ideas were your favourite? Check out Pinterest for more inspiration.
Thanks for reading!
- J
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